Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University | 論文
- Cryptanalysis of the birational permutation signature scheme over a non-commutative ring
- On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras II
- Sales ranks, Burgers-like equations, and least-recently-used caching : Dedicated to Prof. K.R. Ito on his 60th birthday (Applications of Renormalization Group Methods in Mathematical Sciences)
- A finite difference scheme for an interface problem
- Stochastic ranking process with time dependent intensities
- Wildness of polynomial automorphisms : Applications of the Shestakov-Umirbaev theory and its generalization (Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry)
- On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras II
- Self-avoiding Paths on the Three Dimensional Sierpinski Gasket : Dedicated to Professor H. Ezawa om his 60th birthday
- Gaussian Field Theories on General Networks and the Spectral Dimensions
- Non-Galois triple covering of P^2 branched along quintic curves and their cubic equations
- Ideal, Best Packing, and Energy Minimizing Double Helices(Statistical Physics and Topology of Polymers with Ramifications to Structure and Function of DNA and Proteins)
- Lagrangian Floer homology of a pair of real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type
- Erratum to "Cryptanalysis of the birational permutation signature scheme over a non-commutative ring" [JSIAM Letters, 2 (2010), 85-88]