Department of Mathematics Osaka University | 論文
- Algebraic differential equations of the first order free from parametric singularities from the differential-algebraic standpoint
- On the L$^\mathit{p}$-Estimate of Resolvents of Markov Processes
- Finite element approximation for some quasilinear elliptic problems
- A note on montesinos links with unliking number one (conjectures and partial solutions)
- Continuation of Bicharacteristics for Effectively Hyperbolic Operators
- An explicit dimension formula for Siegel cusp forms with respect to the non-split symplectic groups
- Kahler-Einstein metrics for manifolds with nonvanishing Futakicharacter
- Vector field energies and critical metrics on Kahler manifolds
- Heat kernel estimates and the Green functions on multiplier Hermitianmanifolds
- A remark on multilinear Fourier multipliers satisfying Besov estimates (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations)
- Analysis of Post-exposure Density Growth in Radiochromic Film with Respect to the Radiation Dose
- Some Remarks on Microhypoelliptic Operators of Infinitely Degenerate Type : Dedicated to Professor Shigetake Matsuura on his sixtieth birthday
- On the stability of minimal surfaces in $R^{3}$
- On the essential spectrum of the Laplacian on complete manifolds
- Necessary conditions for hyperbolic systems II
- On d-Asymptotics for High-Dimensional Discriminant Analysis with Different Variance-Covariance Matrices
- The Representations of the $q$-analogue of Brauer's Centralizer Algebras and the Kauffman Polynomial of Links
- Algebraic differential equations of Clairaut type from the differential-algebraic standpoint
- The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem and Combinatorics (Geometry of Transformation Groups and Combinatorics)
- A generalized Poincaré series associated to a Hecke algebra of a finite or p-adic Chevalley group