Department of Mathematics Faculty of Education Gunma University | 論文
- On the Existence of Analytic Mappings Among Algebroid Surfaces,II
- On the Existence of Analytic Mappings among Algebroid Surfaces
- A Remark on Algebroid Having Shared Values
- On Analytic Mappings among Algebroid Surfaces, II
- On Algebroid Surfaces Admitting Non-rigid Analytic Mappings
- On Analytic Mappings between Two Alegebroid Surfaces
- On the Growth of the Composition of Entire and Meromorphic Functions
- 複素多変数における標準領域について
- 対称空間及び射影空間におけるノルマル領域と測地線について
- On a Class of Spaces with (mod K) Bases
- On k$\beta$-Spaces and Some Other Generalized Metric Spaces.(Set-theoretic Topology and Geometric Topology)
- g-metrizable spaceについて(位相空間論と集合論の研究)
- On Finite to One Open Maps
- A Generalization of Developable Spaces
- Open Mappings and Certain Classes of First Countable Spaces
- A generalization of Morita Duality by Localizations
- A Remark on Viable Semigroups
- Note on a Prufer Subdomain of a Noetherian Domain
- On Right Viable Semigroups