Department of Material Physics, Faculty of Engineering Science Osaka University | 論文
- Identification of 4p_0 and 4p_ of Germanium Donor from the Zeeman Spectra
- Lattice Dielectric Constant of p-PbTe in the Far-Infrared Region
- High-Field Magnetization in TbCu_2 and HoCu_2 Single Crystals
- High Pressure Melting of General Compounds, and with Some Physical Models
- Spin Correlation and Superconductivity in High-T_c Oxides
- Far-Infrared Magneto-Spectroscopy of Shallow Impurities and Excitons in Germanium by Using Lasers (Selected Topics in Semiconductor Physics) -- (Impurity and Disordered States)
- Theory of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Based on the Resonant Tunneling Model II: Relation between Different Approaches
- Oscillation of the Spin Polarization in the Time-Dependent Newns-Anderson Model
- Theory of the Time-Dependent Newns-Anderson Model : The Hartree-Fock Approximation for Intraatomic Coulomb Interaction
- Charge Transfer in Hartree-Fock Approximation of Time-Dependent Anderson Model
- Roton Dragging Librons in the Ordered Solid Hydrogen
- Single Crystal Growth and Physical Properties of U_5Ge_3
- Influence of Spin on Quantum Oscillations of Magnetoresistance in Hg1-xCdxTe (Selected Topics in Semiconductor Physics) -- (Transport)
- Exchange-Correlation Effects on the Higher-Order Polarizations of an Elctron Gas
- Anisotropic Phases in Metallic Hydrogen
- Structural Expansion for the Ground-State Energy of Simple Metals. III : Dynamical Effect on the First-Order Polarization Term
- Superconducting Properties and de Haas-van Alphen Effect in CeCo_2 Single Crystal
- Quasiparticle Weight of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model in the t-Matrix Approximation
- Higher Order Effects on the Rotational Excitations in the Ordered Solid Hydrogen
- Correlated Disorder in One-Dimensional Ising System at Zero Temperature