Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Yeungnam University | 論文
- Investigation of STBC and TSTD Transmitter Diversity Effect Using Chase Combining in Spread OFDM Broadband Packet Wireless Access(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- 下りリンクSpread OFDMブロードバンドパケット無線アクセスにおける周波数/時間ダイバーシチを考慮したSTBC/TSTD送信ダイバーシチ効果の検討(高速パケット伝送信号処理・伝送技術,無線通信一般)
- Design of State Estimator for Discrete-Time Neural Networks : Delay-Independent Approach(General)
- Link-Adaptive MAC Protocol for Wireless Multicast
- Mechanical Modeling of Al-Mg Alloy Open-Cell Foams
- Clinical Economics in Clinical Trials : The Measurement of Cost and Outcomes in the Assessment of Clinical Services through Clinical Trials
- Outage Probability Analysis for DS-CDMA Systems with Call Admission Control Scheme(Fundamental Theories for Communications)
- Parallel Interference Cancellation Scheme Based on Sorting Method for a Multi-Carrier DS/CDMA System(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- A Study on Call Admission Control Scheme Based on Multiple Criterions in CDMA Systems(Switching)
- Reconstruction of Signal and Its Fourier Spectra from Irregularly Distributed Samples