Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University | 論文
- Resonance Paramenters of the Free Core Nutation Measured from Three Superconducting Gravimeters in Japan
- A new technique for mapping of total electron content using GPS network in Japan
- Observations of traveling ionospheric disturbances and 3-m scale irregularities in the nighttime F-region ionosphere with the MU radar and a GPS network
- Zonal current formation in two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating hemisphere and its dependence on boundary conditions
- Observations and modeling of 630 nm airglow and total electron content associated with traveling ionospheric disturbances over Shigaraki, Japan
- Crustal movements around the Beppu Bay area, East-Central Kyushu, Japan, observed by GPS 1996-1998
- Global Surface Circulation and Its Kinetic Energy Distribution Derived from Drifting Buoys
- Kuroshio Path Variation South of Japan : Stability of the Paths in a Multiple Equilibrium Regime
- Tidal Mixing in the Kuril Straits and Its Impact on Ventilation in the North Pacific Ocean
- State Estimation of the North Pacific Ocean by a Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation Experiment
- Deep Convection in a Lake Triggered by Wind : Two-Dimensional Numerical Experiments with a Nonhydrostatic Model
- Local time dependence of the frequency of Pi2 waves simultaneously observed at 5 low-latitude stations
- Analysis of the Global Relationship of Biennial Variation of Sea Surface Temperature and Air-Sea Heat Flux Using Satellite Data
- Solar activity dependence of two types of east-west geomagnetic disturbances at mid latitudes
- Paleogene and Plio-Pleistocene basin formation around northwestern Kyushu, Japan
- Japanese Ocean Flux Data Sets with Use of Remote Sensing Observations (J-OFURO)
- Analytic solution of GPS atmospheric sounding refraction angles
- C-11 A case of triple X-syndrome with unilateral auricle defect.
- B-9 A new operative method for funnel chest and the design of a postoperative brace.
- C-20 A case of 18p (-) syndrome.