Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo | 論文
- グルゲア症アユに対する昇温治療における抗体の不関与
- 微胞子虫 Glugea plecoglossi に対するアユの体液性免疫反応
- Cellu8lar Changes of Rat Embryonic Fibroblasts by an Actin-Polymerization Inhibitor, Bistheonellide A, from a Marine Sponge
- Effects of Olfactory Tract Section on the Immunohistochemical Distribution of Brain GnRH Fibers in the Female Goldfish, Carassius auratus(Endocrinology)
- Myxobolus koi はコイの鰓で大小2型の'シスト'を作る
- Effects of bilateral eyestalk ablation on molting and ovarian development in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii
- 冷水病原因菌の血清型に関する追加研究
- 不顕感染アユ稚魚およびギンザケ卵からのPCRを用いた Cytophaga psychrophila の検出
- Vitellogenin Production Induced by Eyestalk Ablation in Juvenile Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Trial Methyl Farnesoate Administration
- コイの出血性テロハネルス症の実験的再現
- B-19 Cell damage induced by a phosphatase inhibitor.
- Induction of a Ribotoxic Stress Response That Stimulates Stress-Activated Protein Kinases by 13-Deoxytedanolide, an Antitumor Marine Macrolide
- Accumulation of H^+ in Vacuoles Induced by a Marine Peptide Toxin, Theonellamide F, in Rat Embryonic 3Y1 Fibroblasts
- Theonellamide F, a Bicyclic Peptide Marine Toxin, Induces Formation of Vacuoles in 3Y1 Rat Embryonic Fibroblast
- Effect of discodermin A, an antimiclobial peptide, on the cytoplasm membrane
- Oogenesis and Changes in the Levels of Reproductive Hormones in Triploid Female Rainbow Trout
- ニシキゴイの出血性テロハネルス症
- Flexibacter columnarisの生存および感染力に及ぼす競合細菌の影響
- Flexibacter columnarisの魚類への感染に及ぼす環境水中のナトリウム, カリウム, カルシウム, マグネシウム各イオンの影響
- 競合細菌によるFlexibacter columnaris感染妨害の機序に関する研究:魚に対する両者の接触時期の差の影響