Department of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Comparisons between Numerical and Approximate Solutions for Vibrational-Nonequilibrium Nozzle Flows of CO_2-N_2 Mixtures
- Simplified Model for Cavity Flows of Mixing-Type CO_2 Gasdynamic Lasers
- Continuous Wave CO_2 Gasdynamic Lasers Driven by After-Mixing Jets through Orifice Arrays
- A Probable Approach to Gain Kinetics for CO_2 Gasdynamic Laser Driven by a Shock Tube
- Generation of Pulsed Ion Beams from Various Dielectric Materials Cooled with Cryogenic Anode
- Effect of Anode Surface Structure on Extracted Ion Beam from B_r Pulsed Ion Diode
- Simulation of LIB Target Implosion
- Examination of Factors Predicting Occult Metastasis of the Cervical Lymph Nodes in T1 and T2 Tongue Carcinoma
- Acinic Cell Carcinoma of the Sublingual Gland Accompanied by Bone Formation
- A Secure Method of Nasal Endotracheal Tube Stabilization with Suture and Rubber Tube
- Simultaneous treatment of Multiple Primary Cancers of the Oral Cavity and Other Sites
- Material Dependence of Strong Electron Emission from Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3 Ferroelectric Cathodes
- Cell Death of Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Line Induced by Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase Gene and Ganciclovir
- Comorbidity of depression among physically ill patients and its effect on the length of hospital stay
- General hospital psychiatry from the perspective of medical economics
- Development of a "Type C" Inventory : Cross-Cultural Applications
- Psychiatric Evaluation of Rehabilitation Patients
- Effect of Hypoxia on Proliferation of Microvascular Endothelial Cells Derived from Mongolian Gerbil Brain
- Effect of the Combination of a Local OK-432 Injection and Hyperthermia on SCC VII Tumors in Mice