Department of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- Modified TRUEX Process for the Treatment of High-Level Liquid Waste
- JENDL-4.0 : A New Library for Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Effect of Intensity Perturbation in CO_2 Laser Beams on Plasma Formation
- 2-D Plasma Beads Analysis for Realizing Elongation of Induced Discharge
- Oral Cytology in Patients with Necrotizing Sialometaplasia
- Calculation of Neutron Nuclear Data on Rubidium and Strontium Isotopes for JENDL-4
- Calculation of Neutron Nuclear Data on Molybdenum Isotopes for JENDL-4
- Calculation of Neutron Cross Sections on ^Y for JENDL-4
- Calculation of Neutron Cross Sections on ^Nb for JENDL-4
- Uranium-235 Neutron Capture Cross Section at keV Energies
- Improvement of Gamma-ray Production Data for JENDL-3.2
- Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data on Bromine and Krypton Isotopes for JENDL-4.0
- Measurement of Helium Production Cross Sections of Stainless Steels for 14 MeV Neutrons
- Soft-rotator Model Analysis of Collective Band Structures of Even-even Actinide Nuclei
- Measurement of Proton-Induced Helium Production Cross Sections for Aluminum and Nickel below 16 MeV
- A New Method of Grain Imaging for Highly Grain-Oriented Silicon Steels
- Absolute calibration by helium-ion-implanted samples for helium accumulation method applied to neutron dosimetry.
- Measurement of helium production cross section of aluminium for 14.8MeV neutrons.
- Second version of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL-2)
- Resonance parameters of tantalum-181 in neutron energy range from 100 to 4,300eV.