Department of Electronics- Engineering, Pusan National University | 論文
- Wide-Viewing-Angle Hybrid Aligned Nematic Liquid Crystal Cell Controlled by Complex Electric Field
- Dual Domain Effects on a Homogeneously Aligned Nematic Liquid Crystal Cell Driven by a Fringe-Field
- Electrooptic Characteristics of the Fringe-Field Switching Device with Electrode on Top Substrate(Optical Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Reflective Display Associated With In-Plane Rotation of Nematic Liquid Crystal : Optics and quantum Electronics
- Chiral-Doped Optically Compensated Bend Nematic Liquid Crystal Cell with Continuous Deformation from Twist to Twisted Bend State : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- Novel Nematic Liquid Crystal Device Associated with Hybrid Alignment Controlled by Fringe Field : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Electro-Optic Characteristic of Fringe-Field Switching Mode Depending on Rubbing Direction
- Optimization of Panel Parameters and Drive Signals for High-Speed Matrix Addressing of a Bistable Twisted-Nematic Liquid Crystal Display
- O-10 Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of the Positive Liquid Crystal in Fringe-Field Swiching (FFS) Device
- Low-Cell-Gap Measurement by Rotation of a Wave Retarder(Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology)
- A New Design of Optical Configuration of Taansflective Liquid Crystal Displays using Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals and Frustelectric Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Reflective Liquid Crystal Display Using a Non-Twist Half-Wave Cell
- Novel Cell Gap Measurement Method for a Liquid Crystal Cell : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Configuration Optimization of a Reflective Bistable-Twisted-Nematic Cell for High-Contrast Operation
- Design of a Reflective Bistable Twisted-Nematic LCD for High-Reflection and High-Contrast Operation(発表の概略)(Report on Euro Display '99)
- Design of a Reflection Type Color STN-LCD on the CIE Chromaticity Diagram
- Design of a Reflection Type Color STN-LCD on the CIE Chromaticity Diagram