Department of Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University | 論文
- Contact Properties of Metal-Silicon Schottky Barriers
- Au-Cu Alloy and Ag-Cu Alloy-Silicon Schottky Barriers
- Frequency Shift of a Tunnel-Diode Microwave Oscillator
- Moving High-Field Domain and Current Saturation in Optically Excited n-InSb
- Frequency-Dependence of Lattice Attenuation in CdS with Acoustic Domain
- Peripartum Back Fat Thickness of the Multiparous Holstein-Friesian Cows with Displacement of Abomasum or Ketosis
- Arrangements of Current Carrying Conductors for the Minimum-B Field in the Average Sense
- Emission Cross Sections of Excited Fragments Produced by 0-100 eV Electron Impact on SiH_4 : Application of the "He Standard"
- Roles of SiH3 and SiH2 Radicals in Particle Growth in rf Silane Plasmas
- Steady Plasma Electric Field as a Function of Ionization Degree
- Pilot Study of Bovine Interdigital Cassetteless Computed Radiography
- Effect of Chronic Hemoplasma Infection on Cattle Productivity
- Single molecule FRET observation of kinesin-1's head-tail interaction on microtubule
- Uniaxial Stress Effect on the (000) Valley of As-Doped Ge