Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, National Defense Academy | 論文
- TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces neuronal apoptosis in HIV-encephalopathy
- NMR Analysis of Intra-and Inter-Molecular Stems in the Dimerzation Initiation Site of the HIV-1 Genome
- Photoacoustic Spectra for Porous Silicon Using Piezoelectric Transducer and Microphone
- Vanadium-Related Deep Levels in n-Silicon Detected by Junction Capacitance Waveform Analysis
- Residential Proximity to High-Voltage Power Lines and Risk of Childhood Hematological Malignancies
- Measurement of Leaky Lamb Wave Velocity Using Raman-Nath Diffraction
- Polarization Reversal Process and Transient Light Scattering in Polymeric Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- New Bistable Electrooptic Effect in Side-Chain Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Polymer
- Dependence of Transducer Performance of Lamb Wave Multiplexer on Terminal Condition : Communication Devices and Materials
- A Liquid Velocity Meter Using a Liquid Delay Line Oscillator : Acoustic Measurements
- Propagation Characteristics of SH-Waves in Piezoelectric Ceramic Plates : SAW and Communication Devices
- Propagation Characteristics of Lamb Waves in PbZrO_3-Based Ceramic Substrate
- Piezoelectric Characteristics of PbZrO_3-Based Ceramics around Ferroelectric Phase Transition Temperature : Ultrasonic Transduction
- Acoustic Wave Characteristics of Lead-Free (Bi_Na_)_Ca_TiO_3 Piezoelectric Ceramic : F: FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS
- Surface Acoustic Wave Characteristics of Grain-Oriented Bismuth Layer-Structured Ferroelectric Ceramics : SAW and Communication Devices
- Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Apical Sites of Open-Type Paraneurons in the Stomach, Intestine and Urethra
- Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor in a Dog
- Surface Acoustic Wave Binary Phase Shift Keying System for Time-Division Multiple Access
- Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulation and Demodulation System Using Rayleigh Wave Devices : SAW and Communication Devices
- An Acoustical Imaging System Using a Leaky Lamb Wave Transducer : SAW and Communication Devices