Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagoya University | 論文
- Effect of Degree of Imidization in Polyimide Thin Films Prepared by Vapor Deposition Polymerization on the Electrical Conduction
- Microwave Measurements of the Precursor Electrons in a T Type Shock Tube
- Transition from the Three-Body to the Dissociative Electron-Ion Recombination in an Argon Plasma
- A Perturbation Method and Its Application to Obliquely Propagating Nonlinear Alfven Wave
- Investigation of Space Charge in High-Density Polyethylene Using Thermal-Pulse Response
- X-Ray Induced Currents in Polyvinylidene Fluoride
- X-Ray-Induced Thermally-Stimulated Currents in Polyvinylidene Fluoride
- Field Dependence of Thermally Stimulated Currents from High-Density Polyethylene
- Investigation of Carrier Traps in Polyethylene by PSDC and TSC
- Thermoluminescence in High Density Polyethylene and Its Oxidation Effects
- Influence of Oxidation on Thermoluminescence from Polyethylene
- Electron-Beam Induced Conduction in Some Polymers
- Thermally Stimulated Currents from Carriers Trapped in Polyethylene
- Carrier Traps in Poly-p-Xylylene Thin Films
- Tomographic Approach Using an Electrostatic Analyzer for the Measurement of the Three-Dimensional Ion Velocity Distribution of Plasma : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Increase of Inductance Ratio of Flat Type Fault Current Limiter with High-T_c Superconducting Disk
- Limiting Impedance of Flat Type Fault Current Limiter with High Tc Superconducting Plate (特集:電力・エネルギー分野を支える静止器技術の新展開)
- Relationship between Rate of Rise of Recovery Voltage across a Breaker Connected with Fault Current Limiter and Current for Zero-Kilometer Fault Regime
- Wall Temperature Dependence of Boronization Using Decaborane and Diborane
- Horizontal Plasma Position Control System for a Tokamak Using Modern Optimal Control Theory