Department of Earth System Science, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University | 論文
- Identification of Antennal Hygroreceptive Sensillum and Other Sensilla of the Firefly, Luciola cruciata
- Ring Enhancement on T_1-weighted GRE Images after Ferucarbotran Administration for Hepatic Metastasis : Comparison with Pathological Findings : Case Report
- Calculation of heating rate in the Antarctic stratosphere in 1985 using SAGE II data
- 菱刈ローサルフィデンション・エピサーマル金鉱床に産する柱状氷長石中の流体包有物の研究
- High cell-autonomy of the anterior endomesoderm viewed in blastomere fate shift during regulative development in the isolated right halves of four-cell stage Xenopus embryos
- 五ヶ山地域の糸島花崗閃緑岩と早良花崗岩のフィッショントラック年代測定 : 白亜紀花崗岩類における中新世〜鮮新世熱水活動の時期