Department of Developmental Biology National Institute for Basic Biology | 論文
- カイコ細胞質多角体病ウイルスポリヘドリン遺伝子の多様性
- 2本鎖RNA遺伝子のクローニングと塩基配列決定
- Expression of DMY and DMTR1 in Various Tissues of the Medaka (Oryzias latipes)(Reproductive Biology)
- Thrombotic microangiopathy developing in early stage after renal transplantation with a high trough level of tacrolimus
- Bombyx Y-Box Protein BYB Facilitates Specific DNA Interaction of Various DNA Binding Proteins Independently of the Cold Shock Domain
- Steroidogenesis in the Ovarian Follicles of the Medaka (Oryzias latipes) during Vitellogenesis and Oocyte Maturation
- Ancestral Residues Stabilizing 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase of an Extreme Thermophile : Experimental Evidence Supporting the Thermophilic Common Ancestor Hypothesis
- Screening of a Mutant Plasmid with High Expression Efficiency of GC-Rich leuB Gene of an Extreme Thermophile, Thermus thermophilus, in Escherichia coli
- DNA Polymerase βs from Liver and Testes of Cherry Salmon, Oncorhynchus masou: Purification and Chracterization of DNA Polymerase βs with Acidic Isoelectric Points
- Elastic Constants of The β_1-AgCd Alloy
- Special Mode Softening Preceding Martensitic Transformation in β Phase Alloys
- Elastic Behavior and Phase Stability of the β_1-AgZn Alloy
- Elastic Anomalies and Special Mode Softening Preceding Martensitic Phase Transition in Au-Ag-Cd Alloys
- Teleost Gonadotoropin : Secreting cells and Biological Activities
- Regge Pole Theory and Unitarity
- Double-segment defining role of even-skipped homologs along the evolution of insect pattern formation
- GOLDFISH GV LAMIN B3 : SITE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHORYLATION AND ITS POSSIBLE ROLE DURING OOCYTE MATURATION(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- Developmental Regulation of the Tissue-Specific Genes and the Hommeotic Genes in Bombyx mori
- Effect of 1-Methyladenine on Responses of Spermatozoa to Egg Jelly in Starfish : A Convenient Method for Counting the Rate of Acrosome Reaction and for Measuring Sperm Motility