Department of Dermatology Hamamatsu University School of Medicine | 論文
- Lupus Erythematosus Profundus with Unusual Skin Manifestation : Subcutaneous Nodules Coexisting with Eyelid Plaques
- Photohapten TCSA painting plus UVA irradiation of murine skin augments the expression of MHC class II molecules and CD86 on Langerhans cells
- No involvement of non-synonymous TLR2 polymorphisms in Japanese leprosy patients
- Successful treatment with trichloroacetic acid peeling for inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus
- Multiple basal cell carcinomas on the lateral neck linearly arranged along the lines of Blaschko occurring 50 years after X-ray radiation therapy for lymphadenitis coli tuberculosa
- T cell populations propagating in the peripheral blood of patients with drug eruptions
- The Various Effects of Four H1-Antagonists on Serum Substance P Levels in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
- A Nevocellular Nevus Consisting mostly of Nevic Corpuscles
- Treatment with IFN-γ increases serum levels of Th1 chemokines and decreases those of Th2 chemokines in patients with mycosis fungoides
- A Japanese Case of Typical Epstein-Barr Virus Non- Associated Subcutaneous Panniculitis-Like T- Cell Lymphoma
- Evaluation of photoallergic potential of chemicals using THP-1 cells
- Formation of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in the DNA of cultured human keratinocytes by clinically used doses of narrowband and broadband ultraviolet B and psoralen plus ultraviolet A
- Lupus erythematosus tumidus in Japan : a case report and a review of the literature
- Case of anti-laminin-γ1 pemphigoid associated with psoriatic erythroderma
- Autoinflammatory syndromes with a dermatological perspective
- Induction of eosinophil-infiltrating drug photoallergy in mice
- Infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome induced by salazosulfapyridine in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
- Effects of Polysaccharide Derived from Black Currant on Relieving Clinical Symptoms of Japanese Cedar Pollinosis : A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
- Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides presenting as papuloerythroderma
- Food-dependent anaphylaxis with serum IgE immunoreactive to dairy products containing high-molecular-weight proteins