Department of Child Neurology, Okayama University Medical School | 論文
- Clinical Research : Utility of the Scalp-Recorded Ictal EEG in Childhood Epilepsy
- Refractory Childhood Epilepsy and Factors Related to Refractoriness
- Suppression-burst patterns in intractable epilepsy with focal cortical dysplasia
- Dipole analysis in a case with tumor-related epilepsy
- Two-dimensional autoregressive analysis of carotid artery blood flow waveform in children with isolated atrial septal defect
- Effects of Microwave Absorbents in NO Removal by Microwave Discharge of NO/Ar Mixture at Atmospheric Pressure
- Predicting executive function task scores with the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure
- Is phenotype difference in severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy related to SCN1A mutations?
- Paroxysmal movement disorders in severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy
- IN B10 Paroxysmal movement disorder and severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy
- Clinical and electroencephalographic characteristics of children with febrile seizures plus
- A population-based neuroepidemiological survey of West syndrome in Okayama Prefecture, Japan
- Long-Term Follow-Up of Childhood Epilepsy Associated with Tuberous Sclerosis
- Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Childhood
- Seizures-in-series observed in symptomatic generalized epilepsy other than West syndrome
- A study of spike-density on EEG in West syndrome
- Photosensitive fits elicited by TV animation : An electroencephalographic study
- Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus in Childhood Localization-Related Epilepsy
- Identification of the epileptic focus by the dipole tracing method : Single layered model vs Scalp-Skull-Brain model
- Prognosis after withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in childhood-onset cryptogenic localization-related epilepsies