Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Thermally Reversible Photochromism of Pyrazole Derivatives
- A case of ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma in the jejunum
- Methano- and Propanofullerenes by [1+2] and [3+2] Cycloadditions of Vinylcarbene Species
- Biological Properties of 20-Isocholesterol
- The Electronic Structures of the Clean and H Adsorbed (111) Surfaces for MC (M=Ti,Zr and Nb); DV-Xα MO Calculations (第15回表面科学講演大会論文特集-2-)
- S_N2'-Regio- and Diastereoselective Allylation of Organozinc Reagents
- Electrophoretic Levitation and Focusing of Particles by Field Switching
- Adsorption-Partition Switching of Retention Mechanism in Ice Chromatography with NaCl-doped Water-Ice
- Hydration of Ions in Confined Spaces and Ion Recognition Selectivity
- X-Ray Analyses of Complexes Formed between Surfactants and Aromatic Compounds. I. A Common Structural Pattern of the Complexes
- A Zinc-Finger-Type Transcription Factor WZF-1 That Binds to a Novel cis-Acting Element of Histone Gene Promoters Represses Its Own Promoter
- Secretory component (polymeric immunoglobulin receptor) expression on human keratinocytes by stimulation with interferon-γ and differences in response
- Exon structure of the gene encoding the human mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease light chain: commparison with complement C1r and C1s genes
- Prostaglandin production in cirrhosis and portal hypertension-Experimental and clinical study
- Dissociative Photoionization of Bis(dimethyl-μ-isopropylamido-aluminum) and Bis(dimethyl-μ-t-butylamido-aluminum) in the Region hν=65-133 eV by Mass Spectrometry
- Highly Diastereoselective Photochromic Cyclization of an Indolylfulgide Derivative Possessing C_2-Symmetric Chiral Diol as an Auxiliary
- Call for Papers Young Generation in Analytical Sciences
- Theoretical CD Spectrum Evaluation of the Indolylfulgide Molecules by Using Semi-Empirical Molecular Orbital Calculations
- Induction of antigen-specific immunologic tolerance by in vivo and in vitro antigen-specific expansion of naturally arising Foxp3^+CD25^+CD4^+ regulatory T cells
- 平成14年度後期国際研究集会派遣会員報告書