Department of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Surgery, Hiroshima Prefectural Hospital | 論文
- A Tracheostomy Case of Aortic Valve Regurgitation Successfully Treated by a Lower Mini-sternotomy Technique
- Primary Malignant Lymphoma Arising in the Pleura without Preceding Long-standing Pyothorax
- Surgical Treatment of Virulent Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis
- Surgical Repair of a Common Atrium in an Adult
- ゾル・ゲルコーティングとアノード酸化によるAl-(Zr,Si and BaTiO3)複合酸化物皮膜の生成--新規な高性能アルミニウム電解コンデンサの開発を目指して
- ゾル・ゲル法によりZr酸化物を被覆したアルミニウムのアノード酸化(1)アノード酸化皮膜の成長に及ぼす被覆加熱処理の影響
- Evaluation of Calcium Phosphate-Coated Silk Fabric Produced by Sol-Gel Processing as a Wound Cover Material
- High-Output Heart Failure Caused by a Huge Renal Arteriovenous Fistula After Nephrectomy : Report of a Case
- Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting using the Saphenous Vein in Re-do CABG
- Inflammatory Pseudotumor Suspected of Lung Cancer Treated by Thoracoscopic Resection
- Safety of the paravertebral block in patients ineligible for epidural block undergoing pulmonary resection