Department of Cardiovascular Surgery | 論文
- OE-075 Validation of a Newly Developed 3-dimensional Speckle Tracking Technique to Quantify Regional Myocardial Function(OE13,Echo/Doppler (New Technology) (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Soci
- OJ-123 Cardiomyocyte-like Cell Transdifferentiated from Human Adipose Tissue-derived Stromal Cell Improved Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Rat Myocardial Infarction Model(Regeneration(angiogenesis / myocardial regeneration)(02)(M),Oral Presentation (Japan
- Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction in Patients With Persistent Truncus Arteriosus : A 15-Year Experience in a Single Japanese Center
- Left Ventricular Retraining and Anatomic Correction in Teenage Patient With Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries
- Late Outcome After Repair of Aortico-Left Ventricular Tunnel : 10-Year Follow-up
- Mid-term Results of Open Aortic Valvotomy for Infants with Critical Aortic Stenosis : Seven-year Experience Including Delayed Ross Strategy
- The Effect of Graft Perfusion with Warm Blood Cardioplegia for Cadaver Heart Transplantation
- Clusters of Ventricular Fibrillation in a Patient With an Implantable Cardioverter Difibrillator Treated With Amiodarone
- 5 Current Status and Future Perspective of Randomized Controlled Study in Cardiac Surgery: From the Experience of JaSWAT Study Group(Roundtable Discussion 1 (RT1) (H) Clinical Megatrials in Japan : Present Status and Future Problems)(Special Program)
- PE-040 Impaired utility of long chain fatty acid and mutations in the adipose triglyceride lipase gene in lipid storage cardiomyopathy(Cardiomyopathy, basic/clinical(03)(M),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circula
- PARP Inhibitor Can Protect against Re-Perfusion Injury after Cardioplegic Arrest
- Early and late results of cardiac transplantation in Japanese patients who underwent operation in United Kingdom
- Active infective endocarditis after mitral valve repair
- PE-557 Robust and Harmonic EDHF Functions of Arterioles and Venules Preserve Capillary Hemodynamics in the Early Stage of Hypertension(Coronary circulation, basic/clinical-3 (IHD) PE95,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meetin
- Transaortic Stented Graft Implantation for Aortic Arch Aneurysm : Its Benefits and Risk
- Diagnosis-Based Differences in Response of Global Ventricular Performance to Modified Ultrafiltration in Children
- Effect of Modified Ultrafiltration on Postoperative Course in Neonates With Complete Transposition of the Great Arteries Undergoing Arterial Switch Operation
- 3-aminobenzamide can prevent reperfusion injury after cardioplegic arrest
- ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor can keep LV function after myocardial infarction (MI) in avoiding apotosis of cardiomyocytes
- Oxydative Stress Persists in Nearby LV Area after Myocardial Infarction (MI) and Showed Two Peaks