Department of Botany, Panjab University | 論文
- Phytotoxic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus residues on three Brassica species
- 竹につく Clavicipitales のアジア産の1新属 Cavimalum について
- Phytotoxic effect of Parthenium residues on the selected soil properties and growth of chickpea and radish(On "Weed Biology and Management" Vol.2, No.2(Abstracts of Weed Biology and Management))
- Phytotoxic effect of Parthenium residues on the selected soil properties and growth of chickpea and radish
- Allelopathy of Gymnospermous Trees
- Status of Floor Vegetation under Some Monoculture and Mixculture Plantations in North India
- Effect of morphactin on peroxidases and its relationship to rooting hypocotyl cuttings of Impatiens balsamina
- Synergistic effect of ribose and 2-deoxy-ribose with nutrition and auxin in rooting hypocotyl cuttings of Phaseolus mungo
- Effects of gibberellic acid and cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate on the flowering of Eschscholtzia californica Cham., a qualitative long day plant