Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Osaka university | 論文
- The Development of the Vermiform Embryos of Two Mesozoans, Dicyema acuticephalum and Dicyema japonicum
- The Development of the Hermaphroditic Gonad in Four Species of Dicyemid Mesozoans
- Two New Species of the Genus Dicyema (Mesozoa) from Octopuses of Japan with Notes on D. misakiense and D. acuticephalum(Systematics and Taxonomy)
- Three New Species of Dicyemid Mesozoans (Phylum Dicyemida) from Amphioctopus fangsiao (Mollusca: Cephalopoda), with Comments on the Occurrence Patterns of Dicyemids(Taxonomy)
- Significance of Heterochronic Differences in Neural Crest Cell Migration and Sclerotomal Development in Evolution of the Trunk Body Organization from Agnathans to Gnathostomes(Developmental Biology)
- Migration and Colonization Patterns of HNK-1-Immunoreactive Neural Crest Cells in Lamprey and Swordtail Embryos
- A Histological Survey on the Development of Circumventricular Organs in Various Vertebrates : Developmental Biology
- Evolution of the nuclear size of cerebellar granular cells in vertebrates with special references to fishes and amphibians
- Biochemical Characterization of TT1383 from Thermus thermophilus Identifies a Novel dNTP Triphosphohydrolase Activity Stimulated by dATP and dTTP
- Substrate Recognition Mechanism of Thermophilic Dual-Substrate Enzyme^1
- Temperature Dependence of the Enzyme-Substrate Recognition Mechanism^1
- ヒトGlcAT-lのX線結晶構造
- Blue Light-Dependent Nuclear Positioning in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaf Cells
- Registration of Resected Lung Cancer in Niigata Prefecture
- Repetitive activation of protein kinase A induces slow and persistent potentiation associated with synaptogenesis in cultured hippocampus
- Non-synaptic exocytosis enhanced in rat cerebellar granule neurons cultured under survival-promoting conditions
- The dendritic layer-specific persistent enhancement of synaptic transmission induced by repetitive activation of protein kinase A
- Increase in number of functional release sites by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in cultured neurons isolated from hippocampal dentate gyrus
- Two-dimensional neural activity mapping of the entire population of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells responding to fear conditioning