Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University | 論文
- Optical Characteristics of InAs/InGaAsP/InP Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Emitting at 1.4-1.6μm
- Enzymatic Synthesis of _L-[4-^C]Aspartic Acid
- IS-95 Comparison of Factors Which Influence the Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Pre-and Postmenopausal Women(Group11 Women's Health1,International Session)
- Overexpression of a Brassica rapa NGATHA Gene in Arabidopsis thaliana Negatively Affects Cell Proliferation During Lateral Organ and Root Growth
- Structural Identification of Minor Phosphoinositol Lipids in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius N-8
- Gastroesophageal flap valve is associated with gastroesophageal and gastropharyngeal reflux
- A Device Modeling of Amorphous Silicon Based Tandem Solar Cells
- Conformational Changes at the Highly Reactive Cystein and Lysine Regions of Skeletal Muscle Myosin Induced by Formation of Transition State Analogues
- Nuclear factor-κB dependency of doxorubicin sensitivity in gastric cancer cells is determined by manganese superoxide dismutase expression
- Upregulation of FLIP_S by Akt, a possible inhibition mechanism of TRAIL-induced apoptosis in human gastric cancers
- 希薄溶液中でのアルカリ金属イオン核の磁気緩和速度に及ぼす濃度効果
- NMR分光法によるLiBr水溶液の配位D2O分子の2Dおよび17O核の回転運動に及ぼす温度効果〔英文〕
- Approximate Polarized-Orbital Calculations of Electron-Exciton Elastic Collision Cross Sections
- Photocurrent Noise Observed by Resonant Photoexcitation at 4.2 K in n-GaAs
- Current Noise due to Impact Ionization of Shallow Neutral Donor in n-GaAs
- Solution Structure of Myosin-ADP-MgFn Ternary Complex by Fluorescent Probes and Small-Angle Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering^1
- Formation of the Myosin・ADP・Gallium Fluoride Complex and Its Solution Structure by Small-Angle Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering
- Ih Blockers Have a Potential of Antiepileptic Effects
- Effects of Ca^ and Calmodulin on the Motile Activity of Characean Myosin In vitro
- Intercellular Transport of Macromolecules in Nitella