Department of Astrophysics, Nagoya University | 論文
- Temperature and Density in the Foot Points of the Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center ; Analysis of Multi-J Transitions of ^CO (J = 1-0, 3-2, 4-3, 7-6), ^CO (J = 1-0), and C^O (J = 1-0)
- NANTEN Survey of Molecular Clouds toward the Galactic Center ; Association of Compact Astronomical Objects
- Warm and Dense Molecular Gas in the N 159 Region : ^CO J = 4-3 and ^CO J = 3-2 Observations with NANTEN2 and ASTE
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation
- Augmented Chemosensitivity in Black-Eyed White Mitf^ Mice, Lacking Melanocytes
- Anti-Correlation of Near-Infrared and X-Ray Variations of the Microquasar GRS 1915+105 in the Soft State
- Detection of Polarimetric Variations Associated with the Shortest Time-Scale Variability in S5 0716+714
- Detailed Hard X-Ray Measurements of Nuclear Emission from the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4388 with Suzaku
- Hard X-Ray Variability of AGN Observed with Suzaku(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- The 2006 November Outburst of EG Aquarii : the SU UMa Nature Revealed
- Mapping the Dust Column Density in Dark Clouds by Using NIR Scattered Light : Case of the Lupus 3 Dark Cloud
- Discovery of a WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, SDSS J102146.44+234926.3 : Unprecedented Infrared Activity during a Rebrightening Phase
- The IRSF Magellanic Clouds Point Source Catalog
- Near-Infrared Polarization Images of the Orion Molecular Cloud 1 South Region
- Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of the NGC 2071 Star-Forming Region with SIRPOL
- V1647 Orionis (IRAS 05436-0007) : A New Look at McNeil's Nebula
- Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies at z * 1 Revealed from a Large, Multicolor Sample of Extremely Red Objects
- Centrally Peaked X-Ray Supernova Remnants in the Small Magellanic Cloud Studied withe ASCA and ROSAT
- Revealing the High Energy Emission from the Obscured Seyfert Galaxy MCG -5-23-16 with Suzaku
- Probing the disk-jet connection of the radio galaxy 3C 120 observed with Suzaku