Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University | 論文
- Molecular Clouds around a Runaway O Star,ζOphiuchi
- OJ-282 Extensive Shrinkage and Reverse in Structural Remodeling of the Pulmonary Vein after Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation(Arrhythmia, Non-Pharmacological Therapy 10 (A) : OJ34)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae
- Seismicity changes related to a water injection experiment in the Nojima Fault Zone
- The Subaru Deep Field : The Optical Imaging Data
- Lyα Emitters at z = 5.7 in the Subaru Deep Field
- The Discovery of Two Lyman α Emitters beyond Redshift 6 in the Subaru Deep Field
- Cosmological Accretion Disk Embedded in Background Radiation : Interplay of Viscosity and Radiation Drag
- A Chain of Dark Clouds in Projection Against the Galactic Center
- Exploring Galaxy Evolution from Infrared Number Counts and Cosmic Infrared Background
- Simulation of the IRIS Far-infared Survey : A Guide for Infrared Galaxy Number Counts
- Optical Number Count Estimation of IRIS Far-Infrared Survey of Galaxies
- Infrared Imaging of the Gravitational Lens PG 1115+080 with the Subaru Telescope
- Subaru First-Loght Deep Photometry of Galaxies in A 851 Field
- The First Light of the Subaru Telescope:A New Infrared Image of the Orion Nebula
- Dense Cores and Star-Formation Activities in the Chamaeleon Dark-Cloud Complex
- A Study of the Molecular Cloud toward the H_ Regions S35 and S37 with NANTEN
- Subaru FOCAS Spectroscopic Observations of High-Redshift Supernovae
- Radiative Spectra from Disk Corona and Inner Hot Flow in Black-Hole X-Ray Binaries
- Temperature and Density in the Foot Points of the Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center ; Analysis of Multi-J Transitions of ^CO (J = 1-0, 3-2, 4-3, 7-6), ^CO (J = 1-0), and C^O (J = 1-0)