Department of Applied Physics University of Tokyo | 論文
- Generalized Wajnflasz Model for Charge Transfer Spin-Crossover Phenomena
- Improved brushing durability of titanium dioxide coating on polymethylmethacrylate substrate by prior treatment with acryloxypropyl trimethoxysilane-based agent for denture application
- Study of La Concentration Dependent V_ Shift in Metal/HfLaOx/Si Capacitors
- Calculation of Transmittance of Light for an Array of Dielectric Rods Using Vector Cylindrical Waves : Complex Unit Cells (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Effect of Quenched Disorder on Charge Ordering Structure in RE_AE_NiO_4(RE=La, Pr, Nd, Sm;AE=Ca, Sr)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Time Response of Polariton in Small System by Ultra-Short Pulse Excitation
- Numerical Study of Current-Induced Domain-Wall Dynamics : Crossover from Spin Transfer to Momentum Transfer(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Formation of Non-Unitary State near the Upper-Critical Field of Sr_2RuO_4(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Nonequilibrium Distribution of the Microscopic Thermal Current in Steady Thermal Transport Systems(Frontiers in Nonequilibrium Physics-Fundamental Theory, Glassy & Granular Materials, and Computational Physics-)
- Spin Fluctuations of Itinerant Electorons in MnSi Studied by Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation
- Neutron Scattering Study of Temperature-Concentration Phase Diagram of (Cu_Mg_x) GeO_3
- Quantum Tunneling in Half-Integer Spin Systems
- Optical Modes in Two-dimensionally Ordered Dielectric Spheres
- 24pYB-6 ラテックス単層膜の偏光透過スペクトルとフォトニック・バンド構造
- 28a-ZE-5 2重周期1次元フォトニック結晶の局在状態
- Energy Spectra in Dual-Periodic Multilayer Structures
- 28a-YE-7 2重周期性を持つ1次元フォトニック結晶のエネルギースペクトル
- 5a-J-9 誘電体球の単一層周期系のフォトニックバンドII : その寿命の大きさ
- 31p-YB-10 ラテックス配列膜の光学的性質とフォトニックバンド効果
- 1a-X-10 ラテックス単層膜の光学的性質とフォトニック・バンド効果