Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University | 論文
- Recommendation of Custom-made Mouthguards to High School Boxers
- The vibration analysis of obturator framework designs
- Study of mandibular movements in mandibulectomy patients--Border movements and functional movements during Mastication, Deglutition and Speech--
- Observation of the Vibratory Characteristics of the Inanimate Human Skull with Mouthguards through Displacement Value on Modal Analysis
- Phase Transition of PbTiO_3 in the Low Temperature Region : APPLICATIONS AND FUNDAMENTALS
- Large In-Plane Anisotropy on Resistivity and Thermopower in the Misfit Layered Oxide Bi_Pb_xSr_2Co_2O_y : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- Atomic Structural Analysis of a Monolayer Epitaxial Film of Hexagonal Boron Nitride/Ni(111) studied by LEED Intensity Analysis(Interfaces by various techniques)
- Poincare-Birkhoff Chains in the Critical Regime between Chaos and Torus
- Stagnant Motions in Hamiltonian Systems : Part I. Classical Aspects : New Trends in Chaotic Dynamics of Hamiltonian Systems
- Numerical Validities of the Berry-Robnik's Surmise for Quantum Oval Billiard
- Non-Poissonian Level Spacing Statistics of Classically Integrable Quantum Systems Based on the Berry-Robnik Approach
- A New Normalization Method for the Electron Energy-Loss Spectrum
- Brownian Motion Captured with a Self-Mixing Laser(SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS)
- Quantum Chaos and Randomness(General)
- Brain Stem Responses and Cochlear Action Potential in Cases of Post-Traumatic Disorders of Head and Neck Accompanied by Auditory Disturbances with Special References to Topographic Recording of Brain Stem Responses over the Scalp
- Long-Range spectral statistics of systems with infinitely many components : Investigation of classically integrable systems based on the Berry-Robnik theory(2) Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics in systems showing chaos and quantum chaos
- Long-Range Spectral Statistics of Classically Integrable Systems : Investigation along the Line of the Berry-Robnik Approach(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- End Sequencing and Chromosomal in silico Mapping of BAC Clones Derived from an indica Rice Cultivar, Kasalath
- Non-Poissonian Level Spacing Statistics of Classically Integrable Quantum Systems Based on the Berry-Robnik Approach
- Experimental Study of Inelastic Process at the Crystal Surface in Angle Resolved Low-Energy Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy