Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University | 論文
- Preferential Detection of Pro-Carboxypeptidase R by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
- Distribution of Rat C5a Anaphylatoxin Receptor
- Heat Stability of Carboxypeptidase R of Experimental Animals
- CPR - Total (TAFI and Activated TAFI) Levels in Plasma/Serum of Hemophiliacs
- Characterization of Mouse DAF on Transfectant Cells Using Monoclonal Antibodies Which Recognize Different Epitopes
- mRNA Expression of Complement Components and Regulators in Rat Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells
- Unique Expression of HRF20(CD59)in Human Nervous Tissue
- Effect of Osmotic Stress on Turgor Pressure in Mung Bean Root Cells
- Role of K^+ and Cl^- in Osmotic Adjustment in Roots and Hypocotyls of Intact Mung Bean Seedlings
- Soluble Polyimides Based on 2,3,5-Tricarboxycyclopentyl Acetic Dianhydride
- 2P-249 KaiCリン酸化概日振動の引き込み現象(数理生物学,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Effects of Randomness on Tunnel Conductance and Magnetoresistance in Ferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions
- Degeneracy Ratios and Impurity Levels of Vanadium in n-Type Silicon by Hall Measurement
- Chimeric Human/Murine Monoclonal IgM Antibodies to HIV-1 Nef Antigen Expressed on Chronically Infected Cells
- Temperature Dependence of Hall Factor in Low-Compensated n-Type Silicon
- Twin Formation Mechanism in the Solid-Solid Phase Transition of Normal Hexatriacontane (n-C_H_)
- Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Study of Dimyristoylphosphatidic Acid Monolayers on Aqueous Subphases in the Presence of Calcium or Magnesium Ions
- Coherent Domain Growth under Photo-Excitation in a Prussian Blue Analogue (Condensed Matter: Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Coherent Domain Growth under Photo-Excitation in a Prussian Blue Analogue
- Application of ^K NMR Spectroscopy to Potassium Transport in Mung Bean Root Tips