Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering University of Tokyo | 論文
- Solutions of the Broer-Kaup System through Its Trilinear Form
- Modulated Langmuir Waves and Nonlinear Landau Damping
- Interaction of Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Three-Dimensional Space
- Shallow Water Waves Propagating along Undulation of Bottom Surface
- Dielectric Relaxations in Polyoxymethylene and Polyethylene Oxide
- Low-pT ψ′ Production due to Color-Octet Mechanism (地域スク-ル報告 13th Sanyo Summer Institute(第13回SSI)--第13回山陽夏の学校)
- The Decay in Electrical Resistance in Evaporated Gold Films
- Bilinear Form Approach to the Self-Dual Yang-Mills Equations and Integrable Systems in(2+1)-Dimension
- Properties of the Magma and Modified Magma Equations
- Anomalous Microwave Radiation at Cyclotron Resonance in Partially Ionized Plasmas
- 27p-W-7 セルオートマトンと拡散方程式
- Mechanical Dispersion and Molecular Motion in Crystals of Polyethylene and Other Polymers
- Mechanical Dispersions in Polycarbonate
- Purification and Characterization of N-Acetylneuraminate Synthase from Escherichia coli K1-M12
- Soliton Solutions of the Mel'nikov Equations
- Studies of Ordered Monodisperse Polystyrene Latexes. : I. Shear Ultrasonic Measurements
- Symmetries and the Painleve Property : General and Mathematical Physics
- Improved Penetrometer for the Routine Test of Asphaltic Bitumens
- The KP Hierarchy and Aspects of the Painleve Property : General and Mathematical Physics
- The importance of mass-screening maternal serum α-fetoprotein, Intact hCG, and unconjugated estriol for detection of fetal chromosomal anomalies : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Kochi,