Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Engineering | 論文
- PJ-122 Drug-Eluting Stents for the Treatment of CTO : A Comparison with Sirolimus, Paclitaxel, Zotarolimus, EPC Capture and Everolimus-Eluting Stent: Multicenter Registry(PJ021,Coronary Revascularization, PCI (Complex Lesions) (IHD),Poster Session (Japane
- OJ-039 Drug-Eluting Stents for the Treatment of Left Main Coronary Artery Disease with Sirolimus, Paclitaxel, Zotarolimus, EPC Capture and Everolimus-Eluting Stent(OJ07,Coronary Revascularization, PCI (Complex Lesions) 1 (IHD),Oral Presentation (Japanese)
- 1 Low Incidence of Stent Thrombosis in Asian Races : Multicenter Registry in Asia 3 Years Follow-Up Result(Current Status and Future Perspective of Drug-Eluting Stents,Plenary Session 1 (PL-1) (A),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circula
- OJ-102 Coronary Artery Perforations : Incidence, Predictors and Clinical Outcomes : Multicenter Registry in Japan(Coronary revascularization, PCI-06, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Flow cytometric analysis of Thy-1 expression in myelodysplastic syndrome
- リンゴ酸添加法で合成したLa0.8Sr0.2MO3(M=Co,Mn)ペロブスカイトの過酸化水素イオン分解活性に対する表面積の影響
- Canalicular adenoma arising in the upper lip: review of the pathological findings
- Case of amebic colitis complicated by intestinal spirochaetosis
- t(11 ; 18)(q21 ; q21)-Associated low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma involving the gastrointestinal tract, the lung, and the salivary glands
- Oxygen Permeation of a Dense/Porous Asymmetric Membrane Using La_Ca_CoO_-BaFe_Zr_O_ System
- β-cell Function is a Major Contributor to Oral Glucose Disposition in Obese Japanese Students
- Optimization of Sc^ Ion Conduction in NASICON Type Solid Electrolytes
- Tetravalent Ion(Zr^) Conduction in Solids
- CO_2 Gas Sensing with the Combination of Trivalent Al^ Ion Conducting Al_2(WO_4)_3 Single Crystal Solid and Oxide Ion Conducting Stabilized Zirconia
- PJ-466 Successful Embolization Protection Using GuardWire System for Acute Myocardial Infarction : Multicenter GuardWire Registry in Japan(Coronary Circulation, Basic/Clinical 4 (IHD) : PJ78)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- OJ-472 Impact of Devices and Technique Improvement on the Clinical Outcome of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Chronic Total Occlusions(Angina Pectoris, Clinical 3 (IHD) : OJ58)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- OJ-353 Treatment of Totally Occlusive Diffuse In-Stent Restenosis : Multicenter Registry in Japan(Coronary Revascularization, PTCA/Stent/DCA/Rotablator/New Device 9 (IHD) : OJ43)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- OJ-352 Systematic Complex Stenting Versus Simple Provisional T-stenting for True Bifurcation Lesions(Coronary Revascularization, PTCA/Stent/DCA/Rotablator/New Device 9 (IHD) : OJ43)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- OJ-180 Cutting Balloon Angioplasty Versus Stenting for Superficial Femoral Artery : Multicenter Registry in Japan(Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease 1 (H) : OJ21)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- FRS-127 Influence of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Long Coronary Lesions Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Interventions : Multicenter Registry in Japan(Metabolic Syndrome (H) : FRS15)(Featured Research Session (English))