Department of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute of Technology | 論文
- Evaluation of Disuse Atrophy of Rat Skeletal Muscle Based on Muscle Energy Metabolism Assessed by ^P-MRS
- Effects of Ovariectomy on Intramuscular Energy Metabolism in Young Rats : How Does Sports-Related-Amenorrhea Affect Muscles of Young Female Athletes?
- Quantitative Measurement of the Electromagnetic Field Excited by a Relativistic Electron Beam Passing through a Cylindrical Cavity
- Facile Degradation of Apolipoprotein B by Radical Reactions and the Presence of Cleaved Proteins in Serum
- Apoptotic Sensitivity of Cultured Mouse Brain Cells to Low Dose Rate Irradiation of Heavy Particles
- H208 カイコ血球細胞におけるギャップ結合関連タンパク質イネキシンの発現
- Optimum Culture Conditions for Production of Exfoliative Toxin by Staphylococcus hyicus
- バキュロウイルス発現ベクター系宿主としてのカイコ裸蛹系統(Nd)幼虫の特性
- Antidiabetogenic Constituents from the Thai Traditional Medicine Cotylelobium melanoxylon
- Study on the Application of the (S)-2-tert-Butyl-2-methyl-1,3-benzodioxole-4-carboxylic acid-based On-line HPLC-Exciton CD Analysis to Acyclic 1,3-Diols
- Trypsin and Elastase Inhibitors from Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia LINN.) Seeds: Purification, Amino Acid Sequences, and Inhibitory Activities of Four New Inhibitors
- Numerical Analysis for Viscous Shear Flows past a Circular Cylinder at Intermediate Reynolds Numbers
- Occlusion,prothodontic treatment, and temporomandibular disorders:A Review
- Effects of High LET Particle Irradiation of Mouse Hematopoietic Functions
- Cholinergic and Serotonergic Control of Prothoracicotropic Hormone Release during the Pupal Stage of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)
- Design of Dimetal-Binding α-Helical Coiled Coil Peptide
- Day-night fluctuations in floral scent and their effects on reproductive success in Lilium auratum
- The Role of Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Mating and Conspecific Recognition in the Closely Related Longicorn Beetles Pidonia grallatrix and P. takechii
- Water Quality Management for Low Temperature Marine Fishes in Space
- VFEU Water Quality Control in STS-95 Mission