Department of Anesthesiology, Tokai University School of Medicine | 論文
- Starting Process of Laser-Triggered Vacuum Arc Ion Source
- Dilution by Physiological Saline Deteriorates Color Discrimination of Arterial and Venous Blood
- Development of a safe guidewire
- Design and its application of the f_n-ζchart capable of direct readout of the highest frequency indicating the limit of obtaining distortion-free waveforms
- Blind endobronchial insertion of a movable bronchial blocker attached to an endotracheal tube, Univent tube^
- Difficult Placement of Univent Tube^ Blocker Due to Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery Aneurysm
- Valsalva Maneuver Prevents Guide Wire Trouble Associated with 22-Gauge Safe guide^
- The Usefulness of the 22-Gauge Safe Guide^【○!R】 Based on Penetration Force and Pattern of Blood Regurgitation
- A Case of Guide Wire Trouble Using Safe Guide【○!R】
- Development of a New Catheter-tip Pressure Transducer
- The use of Sevoflurane Anesthesia during Early Pregnancy
- Removal of dried tenacious mucus plug from the trachea of an asthmatic patient with bronchoscopic forceps
- An Improved Puncture-Insertion Kit for a Swan-Ganz Catheter
- Respiratory Impedance Estimated from Airway and Intrapleural Pressure Curves
- A pilot/introducer needle for central vein cannulation
- One-lung ventilation with the Univent tube in a pediatric patient undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
- Effects of Inhalation Anesthetics on Airway Dynamics Determined by Phasor Analysis of Respiratory Impedance Using the Forced Oscillation Method
- Parameter Estimation of Respiratory Impedance Measured by Forced Complex-wave Oscillations
- The efficiency of β_2-agonist delivery through tracheal tubes with the metered-dose inhaler:an in vitro study
- Influence of Body Fat on the Onset of Vecuronium Induced Neuromuscular Blockade