Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University | 論文
- Estimation of Enthalpy Effects in Direct-Connect Dual-Mode Combustor
- Time-Optimal Manipulator Control for Management of Angular Momentum Distribution during the Capture of a Tumbling Target
- Odometry Correction Using Visual Slip Angle Estimation for Planetary Exploration Rovers
- Determination of Diffusion Coefficient of Nd^ in NdCrO_3 Based on Solid State Reaction
- Computation of a Rising Bubble in an Enclosure Filled with Liquid Metal under Vertical Magnetic Fields
- Robotized Assembly of a Wire Harness in a Car Production Line
- Delay Time Compensation for a Hybrid Simulator
- Inverse Dynamics Analysis of a 4-d.o.f. Parallel Robot H4
- 213 Prediction of the Whole Stress-strain Curve and Final Composite Strength of GFRP Cross-ply Laminates
- Non-Fusion Surgery for Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Using Artificial Ligament Stabilization : Surgical Indication and Clinical Results
- Intraoperative Biomechanical Assessment of Lumbar Spinal Instability : Validation of Radiographic Parameters Indicating Anterior Column Support in Lumbar Spinal Fusion
- An attack of acute neuro-Behcet's disease during the course of chronic progressive neuro-Behcet's disease : report of two cases
- Immunopathogenesis of lymphoma : Focus on CCR4
- Development of a Visual Odometry System for a Wheeled Robot on Loose Soil using a Telecentric Camera
- CCR4 as a novel molecular target for immunotherapy of cancer
- Antibody therapy for Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma
- Turbulent Structure of Supersonic Flowfield with Transverse Injection
- CFD-Aided Evaluation of Reynolds Number Scaling Effect Accounting for Static Model Deformation
- 91. Studies on the Cultures of the Mammalian Spinal Cord (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- Numerical Analysis of Interfacial Bonding of Al-Si Particle and Mild Steel Substrate by Cold Spray Technique Using the SPH Method