Department Of Surgery Keio University School Of Medicine | 論文
- IS-3 Carcinoma of the Main Hepatic Duct Junction Indications, Operative Morbidity and Mortality and Long-Term Survival.
- Phase I Study of Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide in Patients with Advanced or Recurrent Breast Cancer
- Efficacy of Post-operative Adjuvant Therapy for Stage IIIa Breast Cancer: Futraful vs Futraful+Tamoxifen for ER-positive Patients and Futraful vs Futraful+Adriamycin for ER-negative Breast Cancer
- Meta-Analysis of the Second Collaborative Study of Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer (ACETBC) in Patients with Stage II, Estrogen-Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer
- Effects of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Therapy on Advanced or Recurrent Breast Cancer and its Influences on Blood Coagulation and the Fibrinolytic System
- Lymph Node Metastasis from Breast Cancer Diagnosed by F-18 FDG Whole-body PET (Case report)
- The Relationship between Urinary Pyridinoline, Deoxypyridinoline and Bone Metastasis in a Rat Breast Cancer Model
- Three-dimensional Helical CT for Treatment Planning of Breast Cancer
- Preoperative evaluation of the chemosensitivity of breast cancer by means of double phase ^Tc-MIBI scintimammography
- The Role of Contrast-Enhanced High Resolution MRI in the surgical Planning of Breast Cancer
- An Endoscopic Observation of Intraductal Papillary Lesion
- Frozen-Section-Guided Breast-Conserving Surgery: Inplications of Diagnosis by Frozen Section as a Guide to Determining the Extent of Resection
- Hepatic resection for colorectal metastases in the caudate lobe of the liver
- Pseudoaneurysm of the Cystic Artery Secondary to Cholecystitis as a Cause of Hemobilia : Report of a Case
- Retrospective analysis of outcome in 63 gallbladder carcinoma patients after radical resection
- Life-threatening bleeding from postbulbar duodenal ulcer saved by emergency transcatheter arterial embolization
- Inhibition of Bone Metastasis from Breast Cancer with Pamidronate Resulting in Reduction of Urinary Pyridinoline and Deoxypyridinoline in a Rat Model
- Evaluation of Bone Metabolic Markers in Breast Cancer with Bone Metastasis
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Using Tin Colloid RI and Blue Dye Method
- Outlining the body contours with scattered photons in lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel nodes