Department Of Surgery Ii National Defense Medical College | 論文
- Characteristic Changes in Heart Rate Variability Indices during Hemorrhagic Shock, and Effect of Liposome-Encapsulated Hemoglobin in Rats
- Comparison of Changes in Hemodynamics between Unilateral and Bilateral Lung Volume Reduction for Pulmonary Emphysema
- Relations of the c-myc Gene and Chromosome 8 in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer : Analysis by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
- Thoracoscopic Enucleation of a Submucosal Bronchogenic Cyst of the Esophagus : Report of Two Cases
- Computed tomography lymphography for the detection of sentinel nodes in patients with gastric carcinoma
- Expression of P2X4R mRNA and Protein in Rats With Hypobaric Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension
- Locally Infiltrative Glomus Tumor of the Bronchus : A Case Report
- SF-095-2 人工赤血球輸血による動物モデルでの致死的低ヘモグロビン血症救命対策(サージカルフォーラム(95)救急・外傷-2,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Intercostal venous hemangioma presenting as a chest wall tumor
- 座長から--今なぜこのテーマか (平成22年度防衛医学セミナー・シンポジウム 防衛新時代に活躍する医官を求めて)
- Effect of Anions of Sodium Salts on the Transport of Magnesium across the Rat Intestinal Wall
- The evaluation of the curd forming ability of milk replacers
- Pleural Defect Repair with an Overlapping Method Using Fibrin Glue-Coated Collagen Fleece
- Role of Workshop and of Japan Society for Medical Education for Medical Teacher Training
- Systemic inflammatory response syndrome as a predictor of anastomotic leakage after esophagectomy
- Which is the best method to estimate the actual ureteral length in patients undergoing ureteral stent placement?
- Preoperative stenting for ureteroscopic lithotripsy for a large renal stone
- グリピカン : 細胞分裂制御に重要な役割を持つGPI-アンカーヘパラン硫酸プロテオグリカンファミリー
- 大地震発災後とるべき行動に関する医学生の意識調査 : 東日本大震災前後での比較検討
- 体験レポート 医療系学生における災害医学教育の実施状況に関する調査報告