Department Of Radiology Sakai Municipal Hospital | 論文
- 65. 食道癌非切除例における放射線治療の役割(第40回食道疾患研究会)
- 91 MRIによる卵巣腫瘍の画像診断
- 144 子宮体癌のMRI像
- 5.甲状腺疾患に対する超音波, シンチグラフィーの診断能の比較
- 4.唾液腺疾患の超音波診断
- 3.リンパ浮腫のMRI
- 小フリップ角, 勾配磁場エコーによる磁気共鳴画像の特性
- 22.Gd-DTPAを用いた肝腫瘍のdynamic MRI : small tip angle gradient echoによる高速スキャンでの検討
- National structure of radiation oncology in Japan with special reference to designated cancer care hospitals
- Patterns of Care Study of radiation therapy for uterine cervix cancer in Japan : The influence of age on the process
- Prognostic Factors for Patients with Esophageal Cancer Treated with Radiation Therapy in PCS: A Preliminary Study
- Consistency of Variables in PCS JASTRO Grend Area Databse
- Helical CT Imaging of Gastric Cancer:Normal Wall Appearance and the Potential for Staging
- 25.大腸の炎症性疾患における注腸X線検査による経過観察の意義
- 再生不良性貧血における^Indium chlorideを用いた骨髄シンチグラフィの臨床的有用性の検討
- Patterns of Care Study of radiation therapy for esophageal cancer in Japan : influence of age on parameters of treatment
- Symptomatic Relief for Patients with Osseous Metastasis Treated with Radiation and Methylpredonisolone : A Prospective Randomized Study
- Operating Data and Unsolved Problems of the DICOM Modality Worklist : An Indispensable Tool in an Electronic Archiving Environment
- White matter lesion due to dural sinus thrombosis in an infant with subdural hematoma