Department Of Radiology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine | 論文
- Elective neck irradiation on ipsilateral side in patients with early tongue cancer for high-risk group with late cervical lymph node metastasis
- 胸部X線CT像における肺気腫の病勢定量化手法(肺CAD(2))(関連学会との共催によるバイオメディカルイメージング連合フォーラム)
- A Case of Intracystic Papillary Carcinoma Accompanying Widespread Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
- Non-Palpable and Non-Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Bloody Nipple Discharge Successfully Resected After Cancer Spread was Accurately Diagnosed with Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography and Galactography
- 131 ネットワーク対応型3D画像作成サーバの教育への応用(CT検査 管理)
- 標準的な撮影条件(よりよい撮影技術を求めて(その65))
- グラフ 充実性膵腫瘍の画像診断
- 肺野の位置に依存した閾値処理による3次元胸部CT像上の肺気腫領域の抽出
- 11.SMARTが有用であった肺癌脳転移長期生存例の1例 : 第74回日本肺癌学会中部支部会
- 10.肺門部早期例の治療成績 : 第74回日本肺癌学会中部支部会
- IV-5 肺門部早期例に対する気管支腔内照射 : 第13回 肺癌学会ワークショップ
- Hyperattenuating Aortic Wall on Postmortem Computed Tomography (PNCT)
- 術後断端再発、気管支壁転移例に対する気管支腔内照射併用放射線治療成績
- Dynamic MRIによる骨軟部悪性腫瘍の術前化学療法効果判定
- Adult T-cell lymphoma involving the leptomeninges associated with a spinal cord schwannoma
- Influence of liquid crystal display monitors on observer performance for detection of diffuse pulmonary disease on chest radiographs
- Cerebral glucose metabolism change in patients with complex regional pain syndrome : a PET study
- Intra- and Interobserver Agreement and Performance Score of Breast Phantom Image Interpretation: Influence of Ambient Room Lighting Levels
- Application of Subsecond Rotation Scan to Helical CT for Lung Cancer Screening
- Influence of Monitor Luminance and Room Illumination on Soft-Copy Reading Evaluation with Electronically Generated Contrast-Detail Phantom: Comparison of Cathode-Ray Tube Monitor with Liquid Crystal Display