Department Of Radiology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- Clinical evaluation of dynamic intravenous coronary angiography using synchrotron radiation
- IS016 Intravenous Coronary Angiography by Synchrotron Radiation and Its Clinical Evaluation
- New Trend of Cardiac Imagina-Intravenous Coronary Arteriography by Synchrotron Radiation : 53th Annual Scientific Session of the Japanese Circulation Society
- Multiple Half-second Acquisition Method of the Moving Knee Joint : Kinematic MR Imaging of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
- 6) Primary chylopericardiumの1例 : 日本循環器学会第95回関東甲信越地方会
- Functional computed tomography imaging of tumor-induced angiogenesis : preliminary results of new tracer kinetic modeling using a computer discretization approach
- 38.ヒト骨格筋における安静時および運動時のリン酸化合物含有量と筋線維組成の関係
- 428.MRIによるアメリカンフットボールの頸部障害の評価 : スポーツ医学・整形外科
- 132 proton MRSで脳内腫瘤性病変の鑑別は可能か?
- MRMICS(MR Microscope using an Independent Console System)の摘出生体組織への応用
- 3 Tesla MR 装置を用いた膝関節MTC画像の初期検討
- MR imagingによる前十字靭帯断裂の二次的所見
- Mismatch between gallium-67 uptake and CT findings in a case of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
- Abnormal retention of ^Tc-TF in a hamster model of cardiomyopathy analyzed by ^Tc-TF and ^I-BMIPP autoradiography
- Diffuse and marked breast uptake of both ^I-BMIPP and ^Tc-TF by myocardial scintigraphy
- Phase-contrast x-ray imaging for biomedical application
- Phase changes caused by hyperventilation stress in spastic angina pectoris analyzed by first-pass redionuclide ventriculography
- Tc-99m diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-human serum albumin (HSA) radionuclide lymphography for detecting the location of chyluria
- The functional hepatic volume assessed by ^Tc-GSA hepatic scintigraphy