Department Of Radiology Faculty Of Medicine Kochi University | 論文
- 診療 cN1以上の乳癌患者に対するネオアジュバント治療効果の評価--特に腋窩リンパ節転移に関して
- 診療 腋窩リンパ節郭清を施行しない乳房温存療法118例の経験
- TFG-βを標的とした放射線誘発肺障害の予防と治療 (特集 第38回放射線による制癌シンポジウム--基礎と臨床との対話 放射線治療の治療効果向上と副作用軽減を目指して) -- (新しい放射線防護剤の基礎と臨床)
- 臨床 過酸化水素を用いた新しい酵素標的・増感放射線療法KORTUCの臨床応用の現状と展開 (特集 放射線治療の現在)
- 診療 食道癌の放射線治療計画におけるPET/CTの有用性
- Erythema multiforme after radiotherapy with aromatase inhibitor administration in breast-conservation treatment for breast cancer
- Umbilical Metastasis from Breast Cancer Related with Tumor Marker Elevation
- In vivo imaging of hepatic fatty acid metabolism in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis using semiquantative ^I-BMIPP liver scan
- Relationship between Hormonal Receptors, HER-2, p53 Protein, Bcl-2, and MIB-1 Status and the Antitumor Effects of Neoadjuvant Anthracycline-based Chemotherapy in Invasive Breast Cancer Patients
- Dual-isotope SPECT diagnosis of a skull-base metastasis causing isolated unilateral hypoglossal nerve palsy
- Dynamic MR Appearance of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Breast in a 67-Year-Old Female
- Dynamic MR Appearance of Benign Ohyllodes Tumor of the Breast in a 20-Year-Old Woman
- Patients' subjective evaluation of early and late sequelae in patients with breast cancer irradiated with short fractionation for breast conservation therapy : comparison with conventional fractionation
- CYP17 polymorphism and tamoxifen-induced hepatic steatosis
- 腹臥位5mm section CTによる乳癌腋窩リンパ節転移の評価
- 肺腫瘤性病変に対するボーラスCTの早期像、後期像の比較の意義
- CD34-Posity Cell Yield in Peripheral Blood of Cancer Patients during Radiation therapy
- Serial Histopathological Changes in Irradiated Guinea Pig Lung Receiving Conventional Fractionated and Hyperfractionated Irradiation
- 前立腺癌に対する外照射併用高線量率組織内照射における急性・晩期尿路有害事象の検討
- Tamoxifen-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant tamoxifen