Department Of Physics University Of Alberta | 論文
- Regional geoelectrical complexity of the Western Canada Basin from magnetotelluric tensor invariants
- Calculation of β-Functions Up to Two-Loop Order in φ^4 Theory Based on Stochastic Quantization Method : Particles and Fields
- 5. 相互作用表示について
- (8) 素粒子の自巳ストレスについて
- 10 核子の周りの中間子固有場についてII(B.中間子論,素粒子論研究論文)
- 核子の周りの中間子固有場に就いて(素粒子論研究論文)
- 6.相互作用表示の一般論III
- An Ultrasonic Study of the Transition hcp-fcc ^4He at 1.1 and 1.5 kbar : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Quantum Solids and Nuclear Magnetism
- Note on Two-Higgs-Doublets Model in Non-Commutative Differential Geometry
- Growth and Melting of Dendritic Instabilities in Pure fcc ^4He : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Interfaces of He
- Anomalous Properties of Pure Solid ^4He under Fast Melting Conditions : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Interfaces of He
- Properties of Superconducting Whiskers of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Oxide
- Substorm-time field perturbations in the polar magnetosphere : POLAR observations
- The Dynamical Rearrangement of Symmetry and the Group Contraction
- Two-Loop Finite Temperature Effective Potential. I : Real Scalar Theory with Cubic Term : Particles and Fields
- 四次元量子化雑感 (素粒子の時空記述研究会報告)
- Higgsの現象について
- Ward-Takahashi Identities in Itinerant Electron Ferromagnetism.I : Zero Temperature Case
- Two-Loop Finite Temperature Effective Potential with Fermion : Particles and Fields
- 私が名古屋大学の学生だった頃前後(ひろば)