Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Suzaku Discovery of Iron Absorption Lines in Outburst Spectra of the X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-472
- Understanding of X-Ray Spectra of Black Hole Binaries and Its Application to ULXs(Session 1 : Galactic BH Binaries)
- Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) for the Subaru Telescope : I. Imaging
- Subaru/MOIRCS Near-Infrared Imaging in the Proto-Cluster Region at z = 3.1
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. II : Clustering Properties of K-Band Selected Galaxies in GOODS-North Region
- Revealing the High Energy Emission from the Obscured Seyfert Galaxy MCG -5-23-16 with Suzaku
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. I : DRG Number Counts
- An Extrasolar Planet Transit Search with Subaru Suprime-Cam
- Implications for Cosmic Reionization from the Optical Afterglow Spectrum of the Gamma-Ray Burst 050904 at z = 6.3
- A SEARCH FOR EXOSPHERIC COMPONENTS OF THE EXTRASOLAR PLANET HD209458b WITH SUBARU HDS(Extrasolar Planetary Systems, International Symposium on Origins of Life and Astrobiology)
- Subaru HDS Transmission Spectroscopy of the Transiting Extrasolar Planet HD 209458b
- A Search for Hα Absorption in the Exosphere of the Transiting Extrasolar Planet HD 209458b
- Chandra Observations and Optical Identification of Hard X-Ray Sources Discovered with ASCA
- Light-Cone Effect on Clustering Statistics in Cosmological Redshift Space
- Deciphering Cosmological Information from Redshift Surveys of High-z Objects : The Cosmological Light-Cone Effect and Redshift-Space Distortion
- Probing the disk-jet connection of the radio galaxy 3C 120 observed with Suzaku
- Suzaku Observations of the North Polar Spur : Evidence for Nitrogen Enhancement
- Orbital Calibration of the XIS(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku Observations of Abell 1795 : Cluster Emission to r_(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Search for Oxygen Emission from Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium around A 2218 with Suzaku