Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- ASCA Observation of a Radio-Loud Quasar and a New Candidate for a Cluster of Galaxies
- Systematic Bias in an Estimate of the Cluster Mass and the Fluctuation Amplitude from Cluster Abundance Statistics
- Chandra Detections of Diffuse X-Ray Emission from Globular Clusters
- A Statistical Study of Gamma-Ray Emitting Solar Flares Observed with Yohkoh
- Chandra Observation of Luminous Sources in the Nearby Irregular Galaxy NGC 4449
- ASCA Observations of the Central Regions of M 31
- Ground-State Phase Diagram of the Spin-1/2-1/2-1-1 Chain : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Determination of the Protein Components of Native Thin Filaments Isolated from Natural Actomyosin: Nebulin and α-Actinin Are Associated with Actin Filaments
- Long-Term X-Ray Variability of Quasars in the Lockman Hole Field Observed with ROSAT
- Study of the Long-Term X-Ray Variability of a Possible Quasar RX J0957.9+6903 with ASCA
- Detection of Strong Fe-K Lines from the Spiral Galaxies NGC 1365 and NGC 1386
- ASCA Observations of the Sculptor Supercluster
- Crystal Structures of Photo-induced Phase and Rapidly-cooled Phase in Rb_Mn[Fe(CN)_6]_・1.4H_2O Prussian Blue Analog
- Detection of Excess Hard X-Ray Emission from the Optical Jet Galaxy NGC 1097
- Three-Point Correlation Functions of SDSS Galaxies in Redshift Space : Morphology, Color, and Luminosity Dependence
- Minkowski Functionals of SDSS Galaxies I : Analysis of Excursion Sets
- Three-Dimensional Genus Statistics of Galaxies in the SDSS Early Data Release
- Chloropeptins, New Anti-HIV Antibiotics Inhibiting gp120-CD4 Binding from Streptomyces sp. I. Taxonomy, Fermentation, Isolation, and Physico-chemical Properties and Biological Activities
- Nonrelativistic and Relativistic Treatments for Propagation of Torsional Resonant Alfven Waves in Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- ASCA Observation of Bright X-Ray Sources in the Nearby Spiral Galaxy IC 342