Department Of Physics Kyoto University | 論文
- 30aPS-107 溶媒和効果による水/有機溶媒混合系の新しい階層的秩序(30aPS 領域12ポスターセッション,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- マイクロエマルションの高圧SANS, NSE実験
- 21pWB-4 溶媒和効果による水/有機溶媒混合系の新しい秩序(21pWB 溶液・液体,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- Strucutural Changes of Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidylcholine Aqueous Solution Induced by Temperature, Pressure, and Adding Ethanol(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- SAXS, SANS and NSE Studies on "Unbound State" in DPPC/Water/CaCl_2 System(Cross-disciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology)
- Ab initio Molecular-Dynamics Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of Liquid MgSiO3 under Pressure
- Pressure Dependence of Structural and Electronic Properties of Liquid ZnCl2 : An Ab initio Molecular-Dynamics Study
- Ab initio Molecular-Dynamics Study of Atomic Diffusion in Liquid Geo2 and SrGeO3 under Pressure
- 27pYB-5 第一原理分子動力学法による液体Asの構造と電子状態の圧力依存性II(液体金属,領域6,金属,超低温,超伝導・密度波)
- Large Mass Scale by Strong Gauge Dynamics with Infrared Fixed Point(Particles and Fields)
- Large Mass Scale by Strong Gauge Dynamics with Infrared Fixed Point
- Flavor Violation in Supersymmetric Theories with Gauged Flavor Symmetries(Particles and Fields)
- Sfermion mass degeneracy, superconformal dynamics, and supersymmetric grand unified theories
- 大気開放型化学気相析出装置により作製された高配向アナターゼ多結晶膜の光誘起表面反応
- EDTA錯体から作製されたY_2O_3 : Eu赤色蛍光体粉末
- 金属錯体粉末分解法による青色蛍光体の合成
- ZnOエピタキシャルウイスカーに観察される樹枝状サイドブランチング
- チタン酸ストロンチウム基板上に化学気相堆積したアナターゼのエピタキシャル成長機構
- Endometrial carcinoma : better prognosis for asymptomatic recurrences than for symptomatic cases found by routine follow-up
- Minimal Supersymmetric SU(5) Model with Nonrenormalizable Operators : Seesaw Mechanism and Violation of Flavour and CP(Particles and Fields)