Department Of Pharmacology School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Ohu University | 論文
- アレルギー疾患発症因子としての脂質メディエーター
- Immunopharmacological studies on the effects of Juzentaihoto and Hochuekkito on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in rats
- A Large Scale Isolation of cDNAs Responsive to Shear Stress from Cultured Human Endothelial Cells
- Aconitine Induces Bradycardia through a Transmission Pathway Including the Anterior Hypothalamus in Conscious Mice
- Orally supplemented Lactobacillus acidophilus strain L-92 inhibits passive and active cutaneous anaphylaxis as well as 2,4-dinitroflurobenzene and mite fecal antigen induced atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in mice
- O12-4 ダニ抗原誘発マウス気道炎症に及ぼすウィルス感染様刺激の影響(O12 気管支喘息病態生理3 in vitro,マウス,口演,第61回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- O47-8 ダニ抗原反復塗布により誘発されるマウス皮膚炎におけるopioid receptorの関与に関する検討(O47 免疫療法・アレルギー治療薬,口演,第61回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- MS5-7 ダニ抗原誘発マウス喘息様病態形成におけるTLR9の意義(MS5 気管支喘息 動物モデル,ミニシンポジウム,第61回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- MS5-4 ウィルス様刺激による喘息発症促進機構におけるIL-13およびCD8^+T細胞の意義(MS5 気管支喘息 動物モデル,ミニシンポジウム,第61回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- A Novel CC-Chemokine Receptor 3 Antagonist, Ki19003, Inhibits Airway Eosinophilia and Subepithelial/Peribronchial Fibrosis Induced by Repeated Antigen Challenge in Mice
- Effect of Diesel Exhaust Particles on House Dust Mite-Induced Airway Eosinophilic Inflammation and Remodeling in Mice
- Enhancing effects of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene on type I allergic responses in mice
- Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1-a Polymodal Nociceptive Receptor-Plays a Crucial Role in Formaldehyde-Induced Skin Inflammation in Mice