Department Of Pediatric General And Urogenital Surgery Juntendo University | 論文
- Downregulation of AP-2α Gene Expression in the Cadmium-Induced Ventral Body Wall Defect in the Chick Model
- Thoracoscopic Plication for Diaphragmatic Eventration in a Neonate
- IS2-07 Laparoscopic treatment of choledochal cyst in children; Review of 34 cases
- IS4-01 Pulmonary artery size as an indication for thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) in neonates
- ISP1-04 Thoracoabdominal incision in pediatric surgery
- IS3-05 Modified tubularized incised plate repair for impeding fistula formation in re-do urethroplasty or hypospadias patients with thin urethral plates