Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Keio University | 論文
- 骨粗鬆による椎体骨折後癒合遷延に対する再建術
- 頚椎椎弓形成術後再狭窄による頚部脊髄症に対する後方再除圧術
- 頚椎後方椎間孔拡大術 : 肉眼, 顕微鏡, 内視鏡の比較
- 頚椎症性脊髄症の重症度評価における体性感覚誘発電位の有用性 : 245例の検討
- 骨粗鬆症性脊椎における pedicle screw の loosening について : 椎弓根内骨セメント及びHA顆粒充填例と非充填例の比較
- Acute destruction of the hip joints and rapid resorption of femoral head in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Reconstruction modality based on the spare part concept for massive soft tissue defects following oncological hemipelvectomy
- Clinical significance of magnetic resonance imaging in the preoperative differential diagnosis of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma
- 臨床経験 骨粗鬆症性椎体骨折後偽関節による胸腰椎後弯変形のflexibility評価--仰臥位ストレス撮影の有用性
- 若年者における頚椎部 flexion myelopathy に対する頚椎前方固定術の治療経験
- Development of a New Zealand White Rabbit Model of Spinal Pseudarthrosis Repair and Evaluation of the Potential Role of OP-1 to Overcome Pseudarthrosis
- A Novel Hydroxyapatite Fiber Mesh as a Carrier for Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Enhances Bone Union in Rat Posterolateral Fusion Model
- One-leg standing test for elderly populations
- 頚部神経根症に対する椎間孔拡大術
- A compound heterozygote of novel and recurrent DTDST mutations results in a novel intermediate phenotype of Desbuquois dysplasia, diastrophic dysplasia, and recessive form of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia
- Association study of COL9A2 with lumbar disc disease in the Japanese population
- Distribution of type VI collagen in chondrocyte microenvironment : study of chondrons isolated from human normal and degenerative articular cartilage and cultured chondrocytes
- Repair of full-thickness cartilage defects using liposomal transforming growth factor-β1
- 頚椎片開き式椎弓形成術後のC5麻痺に対する検討--C5麻痺と椎間孔狭窄の関係 (日本脊椎脊髄病学会 特集号)
- Alternating sequential chemotherapy with high-dose ifosfamide and doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide for adult non-small round cell soft tissue sarcomas