Department Of Ophthalmology School Of Medicine Kyungpook National University | 論文
- Serous Retinal Detachment in a Patient with Rhino-Orbital Mucormycosis
- Liposarcoma of the chest wall : a case potentially transformed from a recurrent lipoma
- Asymptomatic Extramacular Abnormal Choroidal Lesions in Eyes with Macular Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
- The Effects of Monocular Enucleation on the Optic Nerve, Optic Chiasm, and Optic Tract in the Rabbit
- Association of ARMS2/HTRA1 variants with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy phenotype in a Korean population
- Applicability of Graphene Flakes as Saturable Absorber for Bulk Laser Mode-Locking
- Applicability of Graphene Flakes as Saturable Absorber for Bulk Laser Mode-Locking