Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology School Of Medicine Korea University | 論文
- 犬の実験的慢性関節炎に対する刺針療法の有効性のサーモグラフィーによる評価(外科学)
- P1-IS-104 Comparison of Major Complication Rates among LAVH, LH, TLH
- P1-IS-101 Effects of HT and Livial on Uterine Myoma in Postmenopausal Women
- P-IS-54 Comparisons between MTx trestment and Laparoscopic surgery in Ectopic pregnancy(Reproduction 1,Group 102,International Session)
- P-IS-34 A Clinical Study of Borderline Malignant Tumors of the Ovary(Oncology 9,Group 96,International Session)
- The role of high risk HPV viral load for the detection of high grade intraepithelial neoplasia in ASC or LSIL groups(Oncology 7)
- A case of live born in a noncommunicating rudimentary horn pregnancy of unicornuate uterus(Session13 Perinatology3)
- Macrophageal/microglial cell activation and cerebral injury induced by excretory-secretory products secreted by Paragonimus westermani