Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Pregnancy complicated by diffuse chorioamniotic hemosiderosis : Obstetric features and influence on respiratory diseases of the infant
- Dichorionic twin fetuses with VACTERL association
- Giant hemangioma of the fetal neck, mimicking a teratoma
- Fractal tumor growth of ovarian cancer : sonographic evaluation(Session16 Oncology8)
- IS-76 Clinical Usefulness of Three-dimensional Ultrasound with Saline Solution Infusion Sonohysterography(3D-SHG)for Volume Estimation of Uterine Submucous Myomas
- Stage-Specific Expression of Estrogen Receptor Subtypes and Estrogen Responsive Finger Protein in Preimplantational Mouse Embryos
- Studies on fetal forelimb movements by using a wrist actigraph in sheep
- Early axonal and glial pathology in fetal sheep brains with leukomalacia induced by repeated umbilical cord occlusion
- IS-55 Correlation between hemoglobin concentration and inter-twin interval of delivery time in twins(Group8 Perinatology1,International Session)
- Is an Elevation in Basal Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Levels in Unexplained Infertility Predictive of Fecundity Regardless of Age?
- Mantle cell lymphoma shows three morphological evolutions of classical, intermediate, and aggressive forms, which occur in parallel with increased labeling index of cyclin D1 and Ki-67
- Tissue elastography imaging of the uterine cervix during pregnancy
- Expression and Regulation of Periostin/OSF-2 Gene in Rat Uterus and Human Endometrium
- Estimation of the relationship between caspase-3 expression and clinical outcome of Burkitt's and Burkitt-like lymphoma
- Upregulation of CC chemokine ligand 18 and downregulation of CX3C chemokine receptor 1 expression in human T-cell leukemia virus type 1-associated lymph node lesions : Results of chemokine and chemokine receptor DNA chip analysis
- Computer Code for Pre-eguilibrium Process with Multiple Nucleon Emission PREM
- Widths of Giant Resonances
- Vaginal Expulsion of a Placental Polyp With Ergometrine(症例報告)
- Evidence for an Inverse Relationship between Apoptosis and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in Rat Granulosa Cells: A Possible Role of Nitric Oxide in Ovarian Follicle Atresia
- Inhibitory Effects of Cholesterol Sulfate on Progesterone Production in Human Granulosa-like Tumor Cell Line, KGN