Department Of Nuclear Engineering Osaka University | 論文
- 化学増幅法による都市汚染大気中の過酸化ラジカルの測定
- X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Uranium by Synchrotron Radiation
- Analysis of Incident Neutron Energy Dependence of Fission Product Yields for ^U by the Selective Channel Scission Model
- Elastic Scattering of 5.7Mev Protons
- Multi-Branch Structure of the Excitation Spectra in Liquid Helium II
- Analysis of Adsorption Behavior of Cations onto Quartz Surface by Electrical Double-layer Model
- Selective Adsorption Behavior of Cesium Ions on Granite
- Analysis of Adsorption Behavior of Cesium onto Quartz Using Electrical Double Layer Model
- Thermoluminescence and Reactions of Freed Interstitial and Trapped-Hole Centers in KBr Crystals below Room Temperature
- Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel in Nitric Acid Solution under Gamma-ray Irradiation
- Gamma-ray Irradiation Effects on Corrosion Rates of Stainless Steel in Boiling Nitric Acid Containing Ionic Additives
- Search for Multibody Nuclear Reactions in Metal Deuteride Induced with Ion Beam and Electrolysis Methods
- Isotopic Enrichment of Nickel in Aqueous Solution/Crown Ether System
- Strontium Isotope Effect in Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Strontium Chloride Using a Crown Ether
- Development of Neural Network for Predicting Local Power Distributions in BWR Fuel Bundles Considering Burnable Neutron Absorber
- Simplification of Neural Network Model for Predicting Local Power Distributions of BWR Fuel Bundle Using Learning Algorithm with Forgetting
- 超音波の化学作用を利用した水溶液中における炭素侵入型パラジウムナノ粒子の調製
- Benchmark Experiment on Vanadium with D-T Neutrons and Validation of Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries by Analysis of the Experiment
- Temperature Dependence of Isotope Effects of Barium Using a Crown Ether, (II) Barium Isotope Effects in BaCl_2/DC18C6 Systems
- Strontium Isotope Effects in Ligand Exchange Reaction